In Search of a Reliable Employee Attendance App? Hey, you just found it!

With the increasing comfort in lives, both the workforce and employers don’t want to juggle for simple tasks like attendance tracking. The employers want to get rid of the cumbersome paperwork and spreadsheet entries and fetch their employee attendance records with a few clicks. Similarly, the employees seek a range of features provided to them on their mobile devices to streamline their workflow such as logging the work hours, requesting leaves and viewing their reports through easy to use employee attendance app. They prefer logging hours on their mobile apps rather than waiting to utilize the biometric systems by making lines outside the office compound. 

With the availability of online employee management system, it has become possible to create transparency between the employees and the HR personnel.
The employee attendance apps offer numerous benefits to the organisation, including enhanced employee experience, improved data accuracy, increased efficiency and better decision making support, making them essential tool to track your employee attendance in the modern times. Let’s have a quick look at the benefits offered by the employee attendance apps:

Paperless Attendance Tracking: The employee attendance app allows the users to capture and log data in real-time. This eliminates the need for manual record-keeping books and saves cost as well as office space.

Enhanced Employee Experience: The blend of technology with your HR policies is sure to make your employees feel comfortable and more connected to the organisation. Mobile apps provide flexibility and transparency. The employees can view their monthly work hours and apply leaves directly from their phone without requiring to visit the HR department and wait for their turn to interact with the HR.

Accessibility: With the mobile apps and centralised data storage powered by cloud, it is possible for both the employees as well as the HR staff to access the attendance data anytime from anywhere. All it requires is a few clicks. 

Reliable Accuracy: The employee attendance apps offer accurate attendance data with features like: selfie-attendance to prevent the time fraud and buddy punching. 

Employee Attendance App

The last point here is utmost important, while choosing your employee attendance app. While you track your employee attendance, you will like to be your of the app reliability in terms of data accuracy as well as data safety. Here, I will like to introduce the app you have been looking for: KYTEHR.

KYTEHR has been designed with “RELIABILITY” as the biggest factor in mind by our expert tech and business consultants. KYTE HR is a cloud-based employee attendance app, built using the latest technology and has already proved the worth in market. KYTE HR has been used by various large firms in the IT sector, construction, retail, big mines and more. KYTE HR is built with features to cater the attendance requirements of both the in-office and remote employees. You need not to micro-manage your field employees by calling them from time to time about their availability. You can fetch information about their logged in hours, current location, any applied future leaves, just from the application. Let’s further dive deep into what makes KYTE HR the most reliable employee attendance app in India in 2024: 

Up-to-date Technology: KYTE HR is built using the latest technology, is comprehensively tested to be bug-free and is powered by the cloud services to provide you real-time access to the attendance records. Our software maintenance and improvement team is always working on the application to keep its features as well as the underlying technology to be up-to-date. We keep enhancing the app usability to help our clients avail most benefits from our application. 

Data accuracy: We have thoroughly studied the data accuracy related issues faced by business owners in different fields, with key challenges being: buddy punching and incorrect hours being logged. To provide data accuracy, we have provided various features in KYTE HR to authenticate the logged in information. The key features being: location tagging, live location tracking, selfie-tagged attendance, geo-fencing and more. 

Data Security: Keeping your employee data secure is important for both the small-scale as well as large-scale businesses, irrespective of the business domain. We provide data security through the user access management, where each user can access the data they require to view and no other information can be viewed without permission from the admin. Also, the data is stored securely on cloud in a secure manner.

Seamless integration: KYTE HR provides easy to integrate third party APIs that allow your to integrate it easily with third party payroll and other employee management softwares. Although KYTE provides different attendance options directly from the app, some sites may still choose to use the biometric devices due to their organisational structure or other internal reasons. KYTE HR also allows easy integration with the biometric devices.

Reports and Analytics: Apart from the payroll management, the attendance records can be used for various other purposes like: absenteeism management, employee performance tracking, audits and compliance management and other business related decision making. KYTE HR keeps your attendance records securely saved for required period of times and also provides in-app reports and analytics module to help you generate reports as per your required custom fields.
Book a free demo today and get in contact with us to know more about 
KYTEHR and how it can benefit your business. Click here to book a demo.

KyteHR – a product of LAAYN Technologies is an employee attendance mobile application for corporates & government.

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